Monday, March 14, 2016

Neither matter, nor time nor space would exist without the Creator Species

Neither matter, nor time, nor space or souls would exist without the Creator Species of beings that came before any galaxies existed. It is also possible to say that anti-matter did not exist separate from dark matter or dark fluid either.

So, imagine the universe completely consisting of Dark matter and dark fluid which has neither time nor space at all. How would these beings exist?

They didn't breathe, they didn't eat food, they didn't exist in time or space?

But, they wanted to have more children than they did and to develop civilizations where many Creators could live multi-generationally.

So, they invented Galaxies just like we invented farming. So, time and space and galaxies all exist because one species that didn't breathe air, eat food, drink water or even live in a matter or time realm decided to create farms so they could develop civilizations.

And we here on earth are one of the trillions of results of this experiment with building Galaxies by separating matter and anti-matter out of dark Matter and dark fluid which also creates a matter time space continuum as well.

However, this also might be beyond the conception of most humans now on earth to actually entertain this concept or to think about it because it doesn't perfectly agree with their religion or traditions.

However, over time (thousands of years) when all this is proven scientifically correct it might be the way most people perceive reality here on earth.

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