Thursday, March 10, 2016

"Weather, Job and Technology Chaos!" worldwide

In college and before I learned that if you can define a problem that someone or many someones might be able to solve it.

So, here is the problem I'm defining that this next generation needs to solve so humans don't go extinct:

"We presently have Weather, Job and Technology Chaos now worldwide."

What can you think of to implement and to solve this many faceted problem?

You might say to me,

"But I'm just one person how can I solve this problem?"

Now think about people facing World War II. Did they think they could solve this problem?

How many millions died trying to solve this problem (up to 100 million people).

Did they solve this problem?

Yes, But not without devastating most of Europe, part of Russia, most of Japan and other places.

In fact, one of the relatively few big places relatively untouched by all this was the U.S. because we were so far away from it because of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

But, this now affects now the whole world and unless we all (who are capable) move heaven and earth this problem:


within a few hundred years time.

There is no question that this is true.

So, we are in a situation comparable to World War II or worse right now!  Worldwide!

How can you help solve this problem for yourself, your family, for mankind?

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