Monday, March 21, 2016

What is real?

What do you believe is real?

It is important to understand that what is real to each one of us is based not upon physical reality but upon our beliefs of reality, some our own and some conditioned by where we grew up. If you have ever been to another country and talked to people who believe different things you would understand this. However, most people in the hinterlands of the United States might be white and very Christian. However, most of the world is neither white nor Christian. So, if you go anywhere else but a Christian nation don't expect people to agree with you as to what is real beyond technology.

And they even might not agree with what your definition is of technology either. And they might not think that technology including cell phones and cameras are good also. For example, in some peoples the belief is still there that Cameras steal your soul. So, be careful taking pictures of people in remote areas not in the U.S. or high tech nations or it could be the last thing you ever do.

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