Monday, March 21, 2016

A Ray In or Arrayin

A Ray IN or Arrayin is a New Deva Female Saint betrothed to marry Arcane. Originally when I became aware of this name it was the feeling of when an angel or Jesus shines a ray of light directly into your heart. So, the name is an experience that one has around angels or Jesus or divine beings when you are being healed.

So, just picture and angel or God or Jesus shining divine light into your heart and it feels warm like the sun.

My first experience of this was in 1953 when I was 5 years old. I had Chicken pox and my grandmother and mother were very worried about me because children sometimes died of this then.

So, I was in another room while my mother and grandmother prayed for me and I experienced Jesus' Golden Light come into the room. It felt so good to have my whole body healed by Jesus that I sometimes longed to be sick again so Jesus could come and heal me as I was growing up.

However, to be realistic my first experience that I can now remember was in 1950 when I was 2 years old and my Scottish Grandmother was singing "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". This invoked Arcangel Michael into the room so I saw him come there in a huge white ball of light. He and his Arcangels were a band of male soldiers who came and saved my life from whooping cough. This likely began my spiritual path for this lifetime consciously.

I longed to be like these Archangels who saved my life. Arcangel Michael kept appearing in my life ever after that but my vision wasn't as clear as it was as a little innocent child. But, I still see blue flashes of light and sometimes the Blue energy of a male physical angel form when I need protection.

This set my path as a soul traveler so by my early 20s I could consciously travel through bi-location anywhere on earth or the galaxy that I wanted to go.

However, the end result of a soul traveling path is to realize you are already everywhere in the Universe with God all the time.

So, if you are a soul traveler this is where you end up.

My favorite meditation because of this is to experience the whole universe as myself. This takes away all fear because the universe you realize is your body really and not just your physical body here on earth. However, God has given you this body here on earth so it is your responsibility to protect it both physically and spiritually. This was a hard lesson for me to learn as a young person. I think I finally fully learned this lesson by the time I had my first son at age 26.

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