Sunday, February 17, 2019

Emergency declaration opens "A whole Can of Worms" for Conservatives

We have witnessed over the last 10 years or so that whatever new "thing" that Democrats or Republicans "Use" that both get to use eventually.

So, the can of worms regarding "The Wall" that Trump has opened makes Conservatives especially apoplectic. Because today it's "The Wall" emergency? and tomorrow it's the Gun Control or Global Warming Emergency by Democrats.

This can of worms is NOT going to be put back in the bottle. I'm afraid Trump has opened Pandora's box once again just like all his affairs with women while he has been married.

And Conservatives are really not happy. But liberals are looking forward to declaring their own emergency when they return to the bully pulpit (one of them or many of them over time).

One way for conservatives to Prevent this alternative is to stop Trump's emergency declaration by voting against it in a veto proof way (if they have the courage of their convictions to do this).

Because this is the ONLY way I see to prevent Liberal presidents from using this same tactic at some point in the future (by Censuring the president and preventing him from declaring an emergency when there isn't one).

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