Friday, February 15, 2019

If you have UFO experiences it might be important not to talk about them if you have serious careers still

I was counseling a young man with his whole career ahead of him regarding this recently and saying "I'm retired and can now speak about all these things I have experienced mostly because I'm retired." But most people are NOT in my position yet. So, unless you can be completely anonymous about the things you write about your UFO experiences maybe you should wait until you are retired like me.

When I had physical experiences regarding UFOs the first one I knew I had had a physical experience was 1974 at Bunny Flats. I chose to show my wife and baby and a friend the evidence then but I also chose NOT to share with the authorities simply because I wanted my son to grow up safe and sound without the prying eyes of the government. A boyfriend of my best friend's mother asked her why I hadn't gone to the government with all this?

I wasn't there but my answer would be something like: "IN 1974 if you spoke about anything like this to authorities you could then "Disappear" and never be heard of again or just killed like Forrestal or assassinated like Kennedy was when he wanted to share this with the American People.

Also, my first UFO experiences on a more physical level were in 1969 but that was of a different sort.
But, I also had many experiences as a child likely will "hidden memories' a lot. And a whole bank of "Hidden memories showed up after 9-11-01 after the 2nd timeline was started this time around 2002 to 2003 for me when it was safe for me to remember a lot of things it wouldn't have been safe for me to remember before then.

I personally believe EVERYONE who can read or write any language on earth has "Hidden Memories" from UFO experiences. There is literally no educated person who can read or write ANY language who hasn't been messed with by UFOS at this point. To me this is just a given. Some people are brave enough to deal with this fact and others aren't and maybe never will be.

Neither President Truman nor President Eisenhower wanted to share this with the American people and Eisenhower bought Time Travel UFO Saucers from aliens when he met them a Muroc (now called Edwards Air Base) in California so he could prevent nukes from happening by going into the future and finding out about the nukes and then going back in time and preventing those nukes by tracing back what had happened. So, literally there could be thousands of nukes that blew up cities or even the whole world between 1945 and the present and it all was corrected using U.S. or other countries Time Space Saucers either purchased by Eisenhower or copied from the originals by Russia, China, Great Britain, Germany, Israel or other countries.

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