Saturday, February 23, 2019

Though on a practical level Diane Feinstein might be right

In that it might not be practical to do what the Green New Deal Advocates because there isn't money for that, maybe this debate is important because "Terraforming" or technologically changing the climate might be the ONLY way for mankind to survive this century and the next without extincting mankind completely in the process.

So, this discussion, even though it might be cost prohibitive needs to be had. It's sort of like when President Kennedy wanted us to go to the moon during the Cold War. We were competing with Russia to get to the moon and in some ways this competition eventually caused the Soviet Union to Collapse eventually around 1990.

In other words maybe the debate itself is what is important in creating a solution.

If you have any problem in life facing the problem head on tends to create practical usable solutions to our problems. When we pretend these problems don't exist it is when millions of people die from those problems.

When you turn your back on problems (whatever they are) they just tend to get worse as we watch molehills turn into mountains one by one.

And you can often deal with a molehill but often by the time a problem becomes a mountain there is no hope left at all.

So, facing the problem of Global Warming (in some way) is the only way to keep the human race from going extinct sooner or later.

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