Thursday, February 14, 2019

Though Senate and House may approve funding bill: Trump will declare emergency

Here's the thing. Trump has decided to declare a national emergency when there is NOT a national emergency. This is crazy! This is a threat to the separation of powers here in the U.S. where the executive and the legislature and the Supreme Court are ALL on equal footing here and designed that way by the founding fathers. They all have equal powers in stabilizing our government and to keep it functioning properly.

So, you likely are going to see an amazing fight against the president by both the Supreme Court and the Legislature. This is a very very Bad precedent for ANY sitting president to act in this way.

It has NEVER NEVER Been done before!

It is a very very bad precedent. Both Liberals as well as Conservatives are horrified by Trump doing this for a variety of reasons which could seriously destabilize this Republican and future Democratic Presidents.

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