Sunday, May 18, 2014

1100 people's remains were never found after the World Trade Centers Collapsed on 9-11

Doesn't this strike you as odd that No remains at all were found for 1100 people. It is about as odd as Malaysian Flight 370 disappearing now without a trace along with all people on board.

Though I have found "Truth is always much stranger than any fiction could be"  this one sort of takes the cake (both 9-11 and now Malaysian Flight 370) in that  one has to ask, "What is really going on here?" And "Do you really expect the public to believe that?" (either thing).

So, here is my (Sci FI) take on this.

Imagine the U.S. wanted to colonize another planet and had the technology to actually do it. But then you need people to colonize that world or worlds.

What if you had certain knowledge for example, that the human race wasn't even going to survive the rest of this century say from the degradation of the magnetosphere or because of a polar shift of magnetic poles suddenly shifting and making everything on earth vulnerable to genetic mutation from Cosmic Rays from Space (this might actually be happening by the way). However, it will take a couple of hundred years for most people to know for sure.

But, let's say that the people who left no genetic markers at all (1100 of them?) from the world trade centers when they collapsed. Or the people on Flight 370 from Malaysia what if all of these people were selected (not likely volunteering) for being sent to another world to colonize that one.

Anyway, it is something to think about isn't it?

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