Thursday, May 15, 2014

Becoming one with the Universe

I never called it "Sky Gazing" but I have been doing something like this since I was a child naturally. When I was little we would go camping and not use tents. This was more normal in California in the 1950s because mosquitos aren't a problem most places and we didn't worry about animals much then because we were out of doors people even if one time a porcupine climbed on Dad's sleeping bag so he sat up fast and when it stood up and he put a flashlight on it he couldn't figure out what it was standing on its hind legs looking at him in the middle of the night.

However, in regard to "Becoming one with the universe in the 1950s in the forests and deserts of California or wherever the sky was often very clear because there was only 1 or 2 billion people on earth then not 7 billion or more like now. So, I used to stay up nights in my sleeping bag looking at the stars and being amazed and "becoming one with the universe" so there was no separation between the galaxies and myself. I still experience this all the time today where there is really no separation of my experience of the whole universe in all time and space all the time. This is just a normal experience since I was little my whole life.

So, the concept of Sky Gazing I just heard about today.

So, I guess the easiest way to accomplish this same thing is to lie out with your sleeping bag on a ground cloth or pad of some kind and simply become one with the universe and all time and space. If you do this right there is no fear only eternal peace.

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