Friday, May 23, 2014

Don't believe anything any government says until you get an official denial

Then you know whatever they officially deny is true.

(I just saw a bumper sticker on a car something like the title of this which inspired me to write this).

Though this sounds like a very cynical view of life and governments maybe it is important to think about all the life stories of people you read likely growing up in school. Think about all the skeletons in each of those people's closets. Then imagine all the skeletons in a family's closet. Now, imagine all the skeletons in a government's closet say since 1776?

So, governments around the world have never been about truth ever. They are about telling you what they want you to know and what they want you to think. It has always been this way. And anyone in government who doesn't understand this is in danger of disappearing at any time or any place never to be heard from again. And this is true of every government on earth.

So, here are the official denials I'm waiting for:

Did any government on earth shoot down Malaysia Flight 370?

We know Osama Bin Laden was a CIA operative during the Afghanistan war
when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in the 1980s. We also know Osama
Bin Laden started shooting down Soviet Helicopters and Jets and planes with shoulder fired
Missiles supplied by the CIA (See the movie 'Charlie Wilson's War' which describes how this was done) which is what made him a folk hero to so many Afghans and Pakistanis and people throughout the middle east. So, the question I want denied is: "Did Osama Bin Laden bring down
the 2 World Trade Centers as a fundraiser for the Military industrial complex, the CIA, the NSA, The FBI and other secret organizations for the U.S. government to get more funding?

I don't think you will ever get a denial regarding this because most people are afraid to ask this question. The main reason I'm asking it is that someone has to ask these questions. But, it really doesn't matter now because the only one who actually knew about the answer likely still alive recently was:
Osama Bin Laden. And you notice we shot him and didn't question him. Why was that? Likely because shooting him would put this question to rest once and for all. And it did.

So now, there is absolutely no danger of anyone knowing the truth and no way to even need an official denial. See just how efficient governments can be?

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