Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How Global Climate Change will Change us

This might be a different point of view than you might expect. So, please bear with me.

What I've noticed is since Muslim Terrorist Groups like Al Qaeda, ISIS and Hezbollah have formed (the first two Sunni Muslim and the last Shia Muslim) that atheism and agnosticism is becoming vogue especially in private schools and colleges in the Western World.

If someone is middle class or above this is perfectly logical and comes from the point of view of:

"Religions are insane and religious people blow other innocent people up for no good reason so I won't have a religion. Period."

And so we see atheism and agnosticism grow. And this is perfectly logical.

However, life, is anything but logical if you have already lived to 30 or 40 years of age.

The unexpected nature of life I have found is what one should always expect.

So, in life, my byword often has been:

Truth is much stranger than fiction.

In other words you just can't make up as a writer what actually will happen in life.

Like the video I have quote here at this site of a 4 year old boy being attacked and savaged by a wild dog only to be rescued by his pet cat. So, the boy escapes with maybe about 20 stitches in his leg because the dog didn't have time to get him by the throat or the back of his neck and kill him before the cat attacked this wild dog.

So, likewise, Global Climate change is like that too. Now, thousands die each year from Global Climate change but soon it will inevitably be millions, then 10s of millions, then 100s of millions throughout this century and beyond.

It is pretty obvious that the human race is on the decline because of Global Climate changes. But, is that a bad thing or a good thing? It is obviously both. There are just too many people for the planet to sustain. So, a lot are going to die through global climate change.

Will there be anyone left in the end? That's hard to say but I think maybe there will be about 100,000 to 1,000,000 people left. And what happens then?

Likely the same thing that happened since Noah was on  Atlantis and it was covered by water from the last major Global Climate change from overpopulation, space travel and cutting down too many trees and burning too much stuff last time.  Probably what would happen is something like the last 10,000 to 25,000 years of human history that we just saw here on Earth.

I think the most positive thing one can say about all this is that it is our ancestors since we first became farmers using slash and burn techniques and started cutting down forests who caused the present global Climate change. So, it is the whole human race of maybe the last 5000 years brought us to human decimation and destruction through global Climate change.

People think you can stop this but you really can't (at least not in your lifetime "if that lifetime is under several hundred years"). So, no matter what anyone or all of us do we will see worse and worse weather for at least 300 years ongoing. And it will only change then for the better if everyone changes right now. But, realistically that just isn't going to happen.

What is more realistic is fights just like Russia is starting right now over resources and lands and that will likely be the monkey wrench (one of them) that speeds up Global Climate Changes and the number of deaths each year from all the changes until the north pole's average temperature returns to what it once was  76 degrees Fahrenheit.

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