Saturday, May 17, 2014

How to Live to Old Age

Note: This won't work for everyone because of ill health or accidents.

First of all: Don't take dangerous jobs.

Though the exceptions to this are if you are the owner of the business so you can choose the moment, day, minute or hour when you do the dangerous things. Because timing is important to survive doing anything dangerous. So, if someone is ordering you to do something dangerous and you sense it is out of sync with your reality and you might die, you shouldn't be forced to do it.

For example, I still remember my father when I was 5 years old coming home from work with a broken wrist from falling 40 feet off a ladder. If he had been working for himself, (like he was when  I was 12 and older) he could have chosen the time and place of the climbing the ladder and likely would have been okay.

Even when I worked for my Dad summers from 12 to 16 and 4 hours a day while I was a junior in High School, one day he had to go to a doctors appointment and I climbed up into a false T Bar ceiling at a Dry cleaners we were wiring up as electricians and my aluminum ladder that I was on then (you are supposed to be on only wood or fiberglass ones) but I was on an aluminum one that day sprung like a spring out from under me and I fell 15 feet through the ceiling taking out a 9 foot section of it and landing in a pile  of lumber and not being able to breathe for a few minutes when the wind was knocked out of my lungs from the fall through the ceiling and onto a pile of lumber. But, because I was young there were no serious injuries. Besides, I had learned to fall already as a basketball player from being hit from the side during a jump shot how to fall and not injure myself.

My son also had a friend who died from drinking too much by the time he was 27 to 29 so just drinking and/or drugs will easily take you out before 30 if you just don't care enough to stop in time.

I always had an advantage in that I was allergic to Alcohol. Once I found this out at age 16 the hard way I never drank more than one beer or one glass of wine when I was with friends my whole life after that.

Diet: If possible eat only organic foods that you buy or grow yourself in your back yard. This is especially serious now for people living in the U.S. where 70% of packaged foods is now part or all GMO foods which will seriously kill you or shorten your lives considerably depending upon whether you are allergic to them or not. This is especially true in the   countries that don't have GMO labeling laws that are mostly in NOrth, South and Central America. However, 60 countries DO have GMO labeling laws like Russia, China, and most of Europe and Japan. So, people refuse to buy these kinds of things there. (Just like Americans would choose not to eat GMO foods if they were given information enough  not to choose them). At present only Vermont has passed a GMO labeling law recently.

Taking vacations and traveling: I find this expands your horizons and teaches you more about the world around you. One of the most important qualities in living to old age is adaptability. So, being a little adventurous tends to help a person see the diversity of life already here by traveling. Then when you return home you see things in completely different ways. Like a Famous man once said, "You can never go home again!" Because after traveling the world you see your own culture in completely different ways after that.

So, being a little adventurous and adaptable and eating right and choosing your friends and actions wisely will tend to help you live to a ripe old age as a happy well fed and well traveled person.

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