Wednesday, May 14, 2014

If Putin Shuts down all GPS Satellites

This is something he has said he is going to do if sanctions continue.

So, what would happen if he did this?

As someone who actually understands how all this technology actually works, here is what would happen:

1.   5 billion cell phones would not work:

The reason cell phones cannot work at all without GPS satellites is that when you dial a number the cell tower locates you GPS  location wise within 3 feet of where you are standing. Then when you dial the number (anywhere on earth) the GPS satellites have to locate that cell phone wherever it is. Then once they have located that cell phone (anywhere on earth) they then have the coordinates for that cell within 3 feet so they have the right cell tower (next to where you are) and the right cell tower (next to where the people you are talking are located by GPS positioning satellites) anywhere on earth.
Since there are now more cell phones than flush toilets on earth I'm sure the world would be pretty pissed off at Putin if he did this.
2. No planes could fly unless they were flying VFR (visual flight rules)
This would cause between 10 to 100 times more crashes than now because without GPS satellites there would be no way for air traffic controllers to separate planes because there wouldn't be identifiers that you get from GPS satellites. Also, since magnetic north is now moving at least 40 miles a year towards Siberia at present and gaining speed, location of aircraft using magnetic north as a reference is no longer feasible in the long run but only in the short run of say the next month(if you had the present location of magnetic north during that month) and this is problematic if you are in the southern Hemisphere unless you are using magnetic South which likely is also moving very quickly too. (I'm not as sure about this one).

2. Ships couldn't navigate passed each other in the fog like they can now. So, there would be more collisions between large ships like cruise ships and cargo ships with many more people dead from crashing into other ships and boats and crashing on the rocks.

3. Cars could not use GPS satellite systems to navigate including self driving cars.
So, basically, if you look at 1, 2 and 3, we would all go back to about the 1960s or 1970s or before in everything related to our lives.

4. Likely the Internet wouldn't work right either because a lot of the Internet is satellite run or driven from Country to country or from area to area within a large country.

5. All cell phones, the Internet, and all GPS navigation done in Russia would be gone too.

So, militaries of all nations on earth, companies of all nations on earth, people of all nations on earth are going to want Putin to leave power one way or another if he did this. Because basically it would take life on earth back to about 1950 to 1970 and eliminate companies like Verizon, ATand T wireless, all wireless companies on earth, Google, Android, Iphone, Amazon and take the world back about 50 years.

However, what Putin wants right now is to go back to the 19th Century because he believes he is the next Czar of Russia and maybe the world.

This guy sounds more and more like he has Syphilis or something: Many great leaders like Napoleon and others had this from being with so many women. Putin might be having this problem too.

Syphilis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by the spirochete bacterium Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum. The primary route of transmission is ...

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