Friday, May 16, 2014

In Europe and Pacific it reminds me of how World War II started

Borders and resources. World War II began much the same way that we see things happening in Europe and in the Pacific region today. Then the perpetrators were Germany and Japan. But now the perpetrators are Russia and China. Same kinds of things just different countries doing the same things as the 1930s.

I see this as a reaction to global Climate Change. For me, this is a reaction to weakness within countries. Both Russia and China are right now feeling the pressures from their own people.

Putin is going into Ukraine so he isn't driven from power by forces building against him in Russia. The Housing market is collapsing in China which is making the population of China less economically stable.

What is happening is the government of Russia and China are trying to focus the attention off themselves and onto external places to draw away heat of the people against the governments. However, this often results in external wars just like World War II was.

So, Global climate change and overpopulation are creating the climate for multiple proxy wars in Europe and the Pacific Asian region. The outcome is fairly predictable, in that wars will overtake people getting together to try to solve Global Climate change which will make the situation worse which will cause more starvation which will cause only more wars for survival of countries and individuals. This appears where all this is going right now and might be what we see the rest of this century.

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