Thursday, May 15, 2014

On Becoming a Buddha Like a King

I was taught by Tibetan Lamas when I started a Compassionate path around 1980 that one should aspire to become "A Buddha Like a King" in order to bring all sentient Beings into enlightenment in the Universe. At the time this was mostly intellectual in nature for me and less experiential.

But, over time as I did my practices I noticed the supernatural events in my life were more and more amazing.

I think a way to look at it for Christians might be to say that we are all becoming like Jesus through all our actions because "Becoming Jesus is also similar to becoming Buddha".

For some of you this might be an advanced or too of an advancd concept. Others of you might understand what I'm trying to say here.

However, I think it might be better understood by thinking about how we pretended to be adults as children. Then we became teenagers and then we pretended we were adults until being an adult was normal for us.

Likewise, "Becoming Jesus or Buddha" is like this as well. First, you have a goal. Then you try to achieve that goal and finally you find yourself "Becoming the Goal" which is like a form of a child becoming an adult. Only in this case instead of just becoming another adult you become like a King Buddha or a "Living Buddha" because you have manifested your practices.

So, in this sense empowerment becomes in reality imagining yourself to be a master so long that you actually become the master.

I think when my paradigm shift occurred was when I was 49. At age 49 I got a heart virus and almost died for about 7 months. When I first realized I was dying Angels came to me which made me think I was dying even more until they gathered around me and said in unison, "You aren't going to die! Your Life will get better now!" They kept in a circle around me and saying this over and over again until I felt it in every cell of my body. And I think this time with the angels allowed me not to be afraid and just panic and die sometime during those 7 months because it was all I had to hang onto while I was passing out and trying through meditation not to panic over and over again. But, I survived (when most did not survive heart viruses then in 1998 and 1999) And coming out the other end having been forced to retire I realized God has answered my prayers for the "Leisure to practice" that I started praying for in 1980. I was affluent enough to retire and not to have to worry about money again and had infinite time to do God's work. So, I had been empowered to become a Buddha like a King and then God showed me that he didn't want me to die but to Be a Buddha like a King.

So, this is why I compare it to being a child and then pretending to be an adult then becoming 18 and pretending to be an adult and then by 30 (if you are lucky) you actually are an adult in all ways.

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