Sunday, May 18, 2014

Putting people's lives into a useful Anthropological perspective

What I'm talking about here is that you can't judge everyone in human history by the same standard because everyone had a different point of view depending upon where and when they grew up and what their life experiences were. So, because of this often the judgements people make about other people are completely ridiculous because what they think might have no resemblance at all to anything in that person's thoughts, feeling or life.

So, being worldly enough and well rounded enough when discussing anything is useful to make any sense at all of people of different cultures on earth in present day times or even moreso of people say 50 or more years into the past from any culture on earth.

For example, the average person in the U.S. 50 years ago would laugh all day at what people take seriously now in present day U.S. and likely wouldn't believe at all the changes that have taken place here. And that is just 50 years difference in the same culture. By the way I was 16 50 years ago so I know what I'm talking about. So, for me, only by having lived through the insanity of the last 50 years here on earth can I even deal with what is happening in the U.S. and the world today.

So, in the same sense I'm speaking about my being an intuitive and trying to share things that even 50 years ago I might be secretly shot and buried in someone's back yard for sharing even here in California. However, today I'm free enough to be able to share all this with you in a somewhat anonymous way here at my blog. So, This is one of the benefits of the last 50 years in feeling okay about sharing my experiences through this format.

Also, I have shared in the past I can identify especially with the Prophets out of the Bible because many of them were Epileptics (mine was childhood epilepsy caused by blunt trauma) but many of the prophets were either epileptics, catatonics or other unique states of being and consciousness. However, to have your psychic senses developed often you have to be able to survive without any medicine at all to have the kind of oceanic experiences that allow supervisionary accurate stuff to go on. Often medications make people (spiritually lobotomized) so they can function sort of only as human biological robots. But, if you are going to die without medications it might be better to take them.

My thought is that what epilepsy is is too much electricity in the brain for the brain to function at a normal level sometimes. Also, since the brain is an Elecrical transeiver (it sends and receives all types of information sort of like a phone or walkie talkie and absorbs information all the time. Even though some people aren't aware of all this consciously. However, intuitives are more conscious about this information. For example, this information is often translated by my mind into communication, especially from animals and trees and plants. This has been a pretty normal experience especially for animists who survived okay without any structures to protect them for the most part. They relied on this "ongoing communication" between all living things to protect them like we use our homes for protection now.

What being an intuitive is like is sort of like the tradition in the U.S. for 400 years of giving a rifle to especially a male child in the family who looked like he was sensible enough to handle it. The father says, "Okay, son. I think you can handle this rifle but if you don't I'll kill you. And not only that if you even think of harming someone with it I will make you bloody and knock you clean across this room for good measure. Then I will tan your behind until you can't sit down for several days. Do you understand?

The proper response even in the 1950s was: "I greatly appreciate you trusting me like this, Sir and I will faithfully protect my family with this weapon and hunt with it only to feed the family and I will keep this rifle clean and oiled and well serviced and always loaded for use in a moments notice.

Only being an intuitive is sort of bestowed by God at birth but with also the same scary epithets to keep you in line. BEcause basically if God is going to trust you with gifts it is always with the pain of death or worse if you misuse those gifts.

So, growing up around age 2 with whooping cough and from age 10 to 15 with childhood blunt trauma epilepsy were terrifying in the extreme. I considered taking my own life between 10 to 15 many times rather than go one with just how terrifying all this was.

So, being a real intuitive and a real Seer (not a fake one) is something very terrifying and scary at first as God trains you to use these skills to benefit yourself and all life everywhere. This isn't an experience that most people would ever want. However, once you are chosen by God for this you either learn to obey the rules or die trying.

So, this is why I can relate to the experiences of the Prophets in the Old Testament because often the terrors they had to experience I have had to also. But, the other side of this is you know what is going to happen next often and since God has given you the ability because of this to literally change time, if God okays you to change time then you do. And you do this to benefit God and all beings each time.

You change time in basically two ways. The first way is more personal. You see something coming and can choose not to be there when it happens so you and your loved ones stay alive. The second way now is using the Internet. You see something really bad coming and you realize it doesn't really have to happen. So, you blog about it which changes time. By changing time you save lives usually and a better future usually occurs for everyone involved.

So, to God likely the whole point is less people die because he has someone trained in place to refine and change time to a better outcome.

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