Monday, May 19, 2014

Renaissance Faire in Irwindale, California

My wife and daughter and another mother and her daughter and a mutual friend of their two daughter's from school went to the Renaissance Faire in Irwindale on Saturday and then drove home Sunday so the girls could go to school and take their finals and get ready for their High School Graduation soon.

My wife returned and said she had a present for me. She showed me a knife she bought that she wore between her breasts with the hilt sticking up. When she told me she had paid $185 for hand made knife and scabbord to wear I thought that was a lot of money. She at first didn't realize the hilt sort of looked like a phallus or that other women were wearing actual plastic or wood phalluses between their breasts at the faire. Whether she was serious or just toying with me one never knows with a wife.

My wife used to  in the 1980s up through about 1995 be on the Board of Directors of a northern California Renaissance Faire and her job was to make sure costumes, behaviors, and buildings and artifacts people made were as accurate to the actual 1500s as possible. My wife has three degrees including an MBA but her first degree was in Medieval Art and Architecture which made her suited for this job while working on a board of directors for a northern California Renaissance Faire. In fact, when we first starting living together before we were married we were flown down to the Renaissance Faire in San Bernadino when it was there and rented a Green Mustang convertible to drive around when we landed at the airport. We had a great time going on that trip and doing her job to research what was new at that faire. So, for her, this was a very nostalgic trip this weekend. Also, the girls all dressed up as pirates for the faire because at least half of the people there go in costumes. The Blonde Queen of the Slaves from "The Game of Thrones" was one of the characters perfectly dressed up by one of the attendees they said that day. They are very good at this since two of them including my daughter are the best photographers in their private school. My daughter is interested in both art and photography and often combines them. These three girls also have done photo shoots of each other in full Zombie makeup as they think doing that is fun. So, they look as authentic as anything you might see in a movie. They are all three very talented girls in this respect. So, even though I was home alone it was fun to share with my wife some of the great times they had together. This was a Senior ditch day Girls trip (senior ditch day from high school was last Friday) so, I realized this was a "Girls weekend out".

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