Monday, May 19, 2014

Sanctions: and the end of Rocket engines from Russia to the U.S.

See above quoted blog article to know what I'm talking about here:

You could blame Boeing and Lockheed for not thinking ahead more. But, behemoths of industry got used to the last 20 years of becoming interdependent with the whole world when the Soviet Union collapsed. However, just because Russia and the U.S. are having an all out economic war with Sanctions which is now becoming not just sanctions but an all out trade war (and expect Europe to suffer too because of their reliance on Russian oil and gas for 1/3 of their needs). So, the price of gas just as a business owner I can say to you could rise about 1/3 potentially from all this especially in Europe. So, with all the other economic problems there it could cause European too big to fail banks to fail in the long run or short run. We'll see.

However, most people still don't get that an economic or trade war is still a war. What happened here with the loss of Rocket engines could cripple U.S. efforts to send our astronauts up to the space station or beyond (unless Elon Musk comes through for us at present like he did with the Tesla and the Falcon 9 Rocket which is supplying the Space Station with Supplies for U.S. Astronauts now. Also, he could convert one of the payload bays in these rockets to carry astronauts as well since they have proven themselves a very effective transport vehicle for taking things into space.

What happens when mutual sanctions  turn into a trade war?

Answer: A whole lot of people in Russia and who invest in Russia in the rest of the world either go bankrupt (some likely homeless) or they are seriously hurt financially.

So, though hopefully nobody dies in a Sanctions Trade War people still get homeless, go bankrupt, some likely will commit suicide because of not being able to deal with this, and economies like Russian, European, U.S. and others will suffer because of this Sanctions Trade War we presently are in over Ukraine (and Syria too if you think about it).

However, because people are not dying on the Battlefield (at least not NATO or U.S. or known and recognized and designated Russian Troops) the world is not very likely to drop into a Nuclear war where everything on earth dies.

So, who will die in this war?

Spy troops in masks or pretending to be someone other than they are.

Innocent people in Ukraine and Syria and any other Country Russia does this to.

What will be the outcome?

No one knows at present. But, without Sanctions and a Trade war it won't make Russia suffer enough to think about stopping taking over countries. So, expect sanctions to get ever more tougher and tougher until Russia changes it's actions. And this will hurt  millions of people throughout the world in previously unknown ways for about the last 20 years since the last Cold War ended.

I think instead of calling this the Second Cold War maybe a better name for it would be the Sanctions Trade War.

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