Thursday, May 8, 2014

Silicon Valley Series on HBO

When I first started recording this series on my TIVO I couldn't figure out why they called it a comedy at first because I had known many software engineering types in my life so I understood how software geniuses think so over time they became normal to me. So, I was having a hard time seeing why they were calling "Silicon Valley" a comedy. Then they had one of the partners of Pied Piper taking Mushrooms to try to find a better name for their software company. Then I really thought this was hysterically funny because this is a play on Steve Jobs who also turned to mushrooms for inspiration.

Also, for me, I found that people who took drugs or mushrooms often got liver cancer or brain cancer and died before or around 50 too. So, I always thought this wasn't a good idea either.

So, the no water no food vision quest always made a lot more sense to me if one had enough health and a strong enough spirit to survive this for 96 hours in the wilderness somewhere while praying.

So, you can see why someone taking mushrooms is hysterically funny to me to find a software company name. I was going to try to explain just how funny this would be to someone out of the 1960s like me. I guess it would be sort of like going to church to buy a Cadillac. You don't go to church to buy a Cadillac, you go to church to see God and the angels. So, this would be the joke to a 1960s person. But, if you are from another part of the country or a different generation than I am maybe it wouldn't be funny at all.

So, the Silicon Valley series is sort of if you took "The Big Bang Theory" and made them instead of doctors of Physics made them software engineers at a genius level and then tried to make them funny in much more subtle sophisticated ways than "The Big Bang Theory" to where you actually believe the people in Silicon Valley are actually working in Silicon Valley and then give it at least an R rating then maybe you might see what Silicon Valley the series is all about. My wife won't watch this with me because it is too geeky for her and besides I'm a technophile and she's basically a technophobe (even though she can do email and business on her Imac at home). So, I'm alone watching this for now. So, I wish my son was here to watch it with me rather than living 1000s of miles away.

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