Thursday, May 8, 2014

Life is many things

Some one might say, "Life is only one thing and if you don't agree with me then you are crazy."

This isn't someone you should ever listen to. Because life is many things and when you try to reduce it to one thing, "Unless that one thing is Pure Being which all life in all time and space is one with" then I think that person is making a very grave mistake.

Life has always been many things. Look at yourself for example: Are you still a baby? Are you still a toddler? Likely not because the youngest person able to read these words likely would be 2 to 4 years of age even if they were some kind of genius. But, I figure most of you reading this are somewhere between 12 and 100 years of age. So, even if you are 12 you have already been a swimmer in your mother's womb breathing water or (amniotic fluid) until you were born. If you have ever watched a female egg impregnated by a sperm both human then you have seen the baby look like a fish and sort of evolve up through many stages of evolution in the womb before it becomes looking like a baby with two eyes, two hands, two feet etc. Then you were born or were delivered through a C-Section and you became a living breathing baby that others could then see and know. Then you got more coordinated and began crawling around exploring things and people until you strengthened your legs enough to walk. Then you got tired of wearing a diaper and threw it away. Then you explored your world as much or as little as the people taking care of you would let you. Then likely by age 5 or 6 you went to some kind of school and so on and so on.

So, what I'm saying here is life is many things for each of us even before we become adults (if we live that long).

But, in addition to this I am also saying we can have memories while we are in the womb and as babies just born(even though this is not a civilized memory for most of us). For example, I was taking a 2 level course in Peer counseling where I was asked to imagine myself before I was civilized and I succeeded and I remembered being a baby before I was civilized. But, right away I learned exactly what civilized me. It was the person with the breast milk that I wanted more than anything else. And I would do anything this person with the breast milk asked me to do as long as she didn't take away my food.

So, if we take this further, what do you remember as a baby, in the womb, before the womb. What do you remember your life was before you were even conceived in your mother's womb? I actually remember stuff like this.

Can I prove this to you? Of course not. You couldn't prove it to me if it was you making this claim either. But, I have proved it enough to myself so I know it's true. And so can you with your own memories as a child, baby, in the womb and before you were conceived too, if this is important to you.

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