Thursday, May 22, 2014

Start a Blog to help mankind Survive worldwide

People often talk about different systems of government surviving. However, I think the real problem to be addressed is ANYONE surviving at all at this point. Systems of Government are nice but if everyone has wars to fight over different systems of governance then we all might be gone sooner than you might think.

The present fragility of the human race (and literally all life forms on the planet except for viruses and bacteria and maybe cockroaches are in jeopardy at this point if you have studied ongoing statistics of how many directions all life forms are being attacked from on every side: diet, atmosphere, water, pure enough food, education, clothes, transportation, heating, cooling, survival, angry people, etc.

So, if you have the time and energy to do it start a blog to help mankind to survive this century and beyond all across the world. If more of us don't do this likely many many people just aren't going to survive or their genetics either because they will be sterilized within 3 generations of eating GMO foods and at that point they won't be able to reproduce anymore and their genetics will be extinct.

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