Wednesday, May 14, 2014

State High Right now: 104 degrees Santa Ana, California

Though the state high is not where you might think it would be, records for this day are falling across the state. It is a little concerning that the state high is in such a populated area because many people might not have air conditioners either because they might not be able to afford them in places like East Los Angeles and other areas of Los Angeles and Orange counties. San Diego with the Bernardo fire is pretty serious as well with high Santa Ana Winds fanning the flames.
right now:
102 Camarillo
100 Long Beach
97 San Jose
97 Stockton
97 Red Bluff
97 Redding

Even where I am presently within 1 mile from the beach in northern California it is presently 85 degrees Fahrenheit where no one has an air conditioner because this might be the highest temperature we see all year.

By the way since I wrote this all down Santa Ana went to 106 degrees Fahrenheit as of 4:18 pm Wednesday.

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