Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Builders of Time and Space

I grew up sort of like a lot of you out there being taught by my parents to believe in the Bible and Jesus and Mary and Joseph and a single monotheistic God and Angels and Heaven and all that. However, overlayed on top of all that I was also (like my mother) an intuitive so I could actually eventually SEE what it all was about myself personally. But, even then, when I first met the Creators of Time and Space that we all live in I was to put it politely completely overwhelmed by my experience.

Let me explain how this happened. A combination of events took me here. First, I had been praying to be able to Soul Travel ever since Archangel Michael and his band of Archangels came to rescue me from dying from whooping cough. I saw that what they did to rescue me and save my physical life here on earth was a form of soul traveling. So, I began to pray by age 4 for God to allow me to soul travel to to rescue other beings like they did.

God Granted my request by slowly training me about all this throughout my childhood and young adulthood but I wasn't given freedom to do this with a complete paradigm shift until I was about 21 or 22 years of age. When I was given this blessing by God I began to go up on my roof at night and sit there and look at the stars outside my body and to walk the streets and to fly anywhere on earth I wanted to. But soon, my spirit took me off of earth to roam the planets and stars.

Another factor was I was going through something difficult in my life to physically survive at the time so I really didn't care on one level whether I lived or died. However, if I was going to die I wanted to die for a good cause like many men have done down through history by dying as a soldier in service to their nation or world in some way.

My thought was that I could go visit God in the Center of the Galaxy "like I had read in a book" called "Divine Romance" by Marie Corelli in the late 1800s. Marie Corelli was the favorite author of Queen Victoria of England. My mother had read this book and recommended it to me for some reason and I was quite taken of the description of God and Angels in the center of the Galaxy she described there.

So, my thought was that I would go to God in the center of the Galaxy via soul travel and I would ask God to spare the Earth from Nuclear War even if it cost me my life to do this. I thought I owed it to the world to attempt to do this at the time.

So, I accomplished this task. However, at first I didn't have enough information as a soul traveler to accomplish this task so I asked beings I met along the way. I first went to Venus where I met beings who were no longer physical (because who can live in 600 degrees Fahrenheit). But, it appeared that they had once been physical but now lived in soul bodies there. So, I asked them "How do I get to God in the Center of the Galaxy?" They told me I had to go into the sun and I would be sent to the center of the Galaxy from the Sun.

I said, "Won't I burn up in the Sun?" They said,  "NO. you are in a soul body that is impervious to heat. So, you will be fine."

I wondered about what they had told me and it didn't totally make sense but I was young and game so I went into the sun and it sort of felt like being in a hot tub here on earth. It was warm and soothing to a soul body but it didn't hurt at all and was somehow comforting instead. There I met Solar Plasma beings and one in specific took me to a "room". There are things about this I can't explain from here on because I think what they did or what my mind did is to create things I could relate to to survive the experience both physically and psychologically. And likely this happens to other soul travelers from earth that get this far too.

What I saw was a solar plasma being who asked me to sit in a Golden Throne. When I sat in the Golden Throne I was transported instantly into the center of the Galaxy.

However, then all my perceptions of an Earthborn human of what God was were completely blown away by another reality completely.

What existed in the Center of the Galaxy were the race of Beings who built the Galaxy and they were probably about 1,000,000 IQ beings that never died basically. However, they likely couldn't or wouldn't ever come here mostly because they live in a specific kind of physical and psychological reality that doesn't exist here on earth because we are too close to the edge of the Galaxy. However, when they got old (millions and billions of years old) they told me that in order to stay alive when they got old and bored they became human beings with a part of their minds and souls. By experiencing mortality (Death) it made them appreciate being alive again and this renewed them to live basically (from a human point of view) forever. (as in billions of years). Though I was there about a years worth of experiences on earth I was only bi-locating for one night. So, when I returned to my body I was pretty amazed by the experiences I had had but my life was forever changed by this experience too and I couldn't stay ignorant the way I was before either.

Also, while I was there, the being in charge of the Galaxy presently (who is like a Grandson to the original Being who created this galaxy for his wife and children to live in and to feed on energy in I was given an audience with).

He called me his Grandfather, because he said I was a spark of life from his grandfather who was asleep and living lives throughout this Galaxy and he greatly missed his grandfather who had put him in Charge of the Galaxy to watch over it. He described himself as more of a military leader who was very good at organization but he didn't see himself as a spiritual leader too like his grandfather had been. So, he was sort of looking to me since I was a spark of his grandfather for spiritual guidance and reassurance. This sort of was crazy to me because I just saw myself as a spiritual pilgrim from earth looking for God and finding the reality which was amazingly different than anything anyone on earth would ever dream of on their own.

It has taken me about 40 years to even begin to get comfortable with all this as I have now. But, when I asked him to protect Earth from Nuclear War or anything else that might destroy earth he said, "I will do that on one condition. I can do that if you let me see through your eyes there on earth everything you experience." I was young and naive at the time and I expected not to be alive very long and so I said, "Yes!" However, as an older and wiser man I look back on all this sometimes and wonder what I have done. Because, "Yes." the world has not blown up in a nuclear war and has been protected by the "King of the Galaxy" but what did it mean to earth to have someone (A Literal God) looking through my eyes all the time back here on earth all these years now?

Also, I felt sort of like Tarzan or something as a completely wild thing different than the super intellectual 1,000,000 IQ beings I met in the center of the Galaxy. They were really impressed that I made it all the way to the center of the Galaxy because they said most beings would die doing something like this because of all the checks and balances throughout the Galaxy that would normally prevent something like this from happening. However, my thought is if I really am a spark from the Grandfather of the present leader of the Galaxy of the Species I call "Creators" simply because this species creates Time and Space by literally Creating Galaxies and they told me all Galaxies are created by different families of Creators sort of like Farms to feed their children. Also, I felt sort of like a hamster on an intellectual level at the time in comparison to them because their intelligence was thousands of times what mine was and it was obvious to me in a way that was completely overwhelming.

Meeting basically immortal beings who had already been alive millions and some billions of years is something that is beyond the scope of most human beings to be able to cope with for the first time like I was. Only because of the way I had been trained to think in a spiritual and respectful way of beings that were God Like in many ways did I actually survive this experience at all.

However, the Good things that came from this were:

1. I can share with you scientifically that this happened to me.
2. There is a nexus point between what religions say and Science.
3. Earth hasn't been blown up by nuclear war since I made this agreement with the present Galactic Sentience.
4. Others might be allowed to do what I did. (I'm not sure about this but possibly this is true).
5. Others can connect the dots between spirituality and Science like I have in regard to how life was created in this Galaxy on earth and in other Galaxies by beings that originated in Dark Matter where both time and space don't exist.

Note: These ongoing experiences taught me definitively that there really was something to the religions of Earth and there really was something about science and logic that was important too. So, after these experiences and meeting and speaking (communicating) with beings at 1,000,000 IQ or more it sent me in new directions. Because what most people take as theoretical only became experiential for me as a being. So, I had no doubts about science or why people need religions or spirituality in their lives. A sort of order about the universe in my mind prevailed after that. Though I knew the details of all religions aren't exactly right, just like the theories of Aristotle and Plato weren't exactly right either. However, all religions and philosophy became the modern basis of spirituality, Science, civilization and humanity that eventually led through the great wars to the United Nations and the communication at least between all the great religions and philosophies of Earth.

So, just like Aristotle and Plato weren't the end of human growing and knowledge, religions as we now know them aren't the end of religions but the beginning of how we will view ourselves in a much greater context which includes all galaxies and dimensions ongoing into the future.

We are still at the very beginning of human spiritual and genetic evolution. Who knows where it might lead?

The future is an opportunity to learn, and a voyage of discovery for all of us.

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