Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What I was taught about Saint Germain as a child in the 1950s

To make sense of all this maybe I should start with my parents in the 1930s (I was born in 1948). My mother's father was a Methodist Minister who was born in Boston but was raised in Scotland when his father died getting medicine for him on a cold winter night when he had pneumonia when he was 8. My Mother was introduced to the teachings of Mr. Guy W. Ballard by her father who studied religions along with having studied to be a Methodist Minister in the early 1900s. She met Mr. Ballard when she was about 16 I believe at one of these meetings. He wrote "Unveiled Mysteries" and "The Magic Presence" during the early 1930s of his experiences with Saint Germain.

My father's first wife's parents had gone to meetings with Mr. Ballard as well and so my father's father in law(this was my father's first wife's parents) convinced him that this religion was a panacea especially if he wanted to remain young and perfect forever. Also, my father was valedictorian of his High School Class and was always very bright and 20 to 50 years ahead of his time always, both spiritually and technologically speaking. So, when my father chartered a Yacht from Canada in Vancouver (he lived in Lake Forest Park near Seattle at the time), he took the first three books by Mr. Ballard with him and read them. However, by the time he made it back to the U.S. Mr. Ballard had passed on. So, he joined the Saint Germain Foundation in Seattle and eventually met and married my mother after he divorced his first wife. However, his brother, his first wife and he all went to Tahiti and the Tuomoto Archipeligo in the Yacht for about 2 years. They left in 1939 and returned to Seattle in late 1941 before the Pearl Harbor incident. In fact, I think his first wife might have still been in Honolulu when the Pearl Harbor invasion took place.

So, when I was born in 1948 my father had been in the Saint Germain foundation since 1941 and she since around 1936 I believe. So, I was raised as a vegetarian as this was part of the religion. So, I would describe the religion as Christian Mystic, Vegetarian and also believing in reincarnation like the early Christians also did before Justinian and Theodora put the Pope in Prison and deleted some of the acceptable books people could read regarding Christianity. With Hell, Fire and Brimstone in place they could terrify the people into doing almost anything they wanted. With Reincarnation people had a 2nd, 3rd or 4th chance or more. But, with no reincarnation they could terrify the average uneducated person into complete submission and death.

So, as a child what I was taught about Saint Germain went something like this.

First, through reincarnation Saint Germain was Joseph, the father of Jesus and husband to Mary.
Then he was Merlin, the Magician in England and empowerer and raiser of King Arthur. (and during the 1980s Saint Germain made known to me he was also Padmasambhava who brought Tibetan Buddhism to Tibet). I also experience now that Mila Respa was Saint Germain along with Saint Francis of Asisi. And I remember Saint Germain because I knew him in both lifetimes and studied with him and was his friend.

But, as a child I was just trying to stay alive and figure things out. And my gentlemanly kind nature while being a scientific thinker sort of was leading me away from religion entirely by age 10 as all religions seemed sort of illogical non-scientific and a little insane. But then, I got childhood epilepsy and almost died. My thought is that God didn't want to lose me so made me sick so I would be both scientific and spiritual and kind.

So, starting when I was very little they read "Unveiled Mysteries" to me by the time I was 5 years old. Then by the time I was 8 they also read "The Magic Presence" to me. I liked "The Magic Presence better because it has young people in their teens in it in Wyoming. Where mostly "Unveiled Mysteries" is all adults. But I did like the part where Mr. Ballard tames the Mountain lion on Mt. Shasta in it when I was little.

When I was 6 my parents were put in charge of the "I am" Sanctuary on Hope STreet in Los Angeles from 1954 until my mother's father passed away in 1960 and my mother sort of had a nervous breakdown and couldn't lead a church for awhile. The lady who my parents chose to take over the church lived to be into her 100s while still being in charge of the Los Angeles Temple or Church by the way.

So, mostly in church I was bored like most kids when I had to go to the adults services until I was at least 9 or 10 years old. So, I used to try pouring my love to Saint Germain and Jesus in their pictures in the church because I was bored. They began talking to me and telling me how to live my life and how to help and protect children and adults when I did this. So, when often my life and other's lives were saved I did this more and more.

Also, Archangel Michael and his band of Archangels had saved my life from whooping cough when they appeared to me when I was around 2. Then when I was 5 Jesus came to me and healed me by turning the whole room Gold. After that I sort of wanted to be sick more because I enjoyed Jesus healing me because it was so wonderful to be healed.

So, my supernatural experiences were always sort of spontaneous and life changing and life saving always. So, I just sort of got used to all this supernatural stuff along the way.

The hardest part came when I fell and hit my head and got a concussion that I wasn't taken to the doctor for. And then I had childhood epilepsy for about 5 years until my skull grew enough to take the pressure off my brain. However, this experience greatly changed my life. (But it did keep my out of the draft and Viet Nam during that war).

So, what I was taught was that Francis Bacon was born as one of two illegitimate sons of Queen Elizabeth I of England. Since her mother was killed by King Henry the 8th she didn't want to marry and have some man kill her like her father killed her mother. So she refused to marry as a way to stay alive and not be beheaded.

So, Francis was raised by the Bacon's as their son and eventually wrote all the Shakespearean plays under William Shakespeare's name because of course Williams Shakespeare was an actor but had never learned how to write with a pen and paper.

I eventually visited the Francis Bacon Library when I was 10 in I think it was Pomona which was a private collection of all his hand written books that I think eventually was donated to Pomona College where my wife Graduated from College.

So, Francis Bacon's coffin was dug up and found to have no body in it only rocks and dirt. So, he is thought to have become the Comte de Saint Germain that they called, 'The man who never died' of Europe. He also seems to have some connection to Prince Rogoczy of Transylvania.

Prince Ragoczy of Transylvania - the Comte de St.-Germain ...
Oct 27, 2010 - The great mysterious adept who termed himself the Comte de St.-Germain is generally supposed to have been born in 1710, but while the ...

The Comte de St. Germain: Chapter I. Mystic and Philosopher
Internet Sacred Text Archive
He told me that he was eighty-eight years of age when he came here, and that he was the son of Prince Ragoczy 2 of Transylvania by his first wife, a Tékéli.
The Comte De Saint Germain knew both Louis XV and Louis XVI and tried through both them and Napoleon Bonoparte to create the United States of Europe after succeeding with the real United States and likely was instrumental in creating the present European Union.
So, Saint Germain and Francis Bacon and Prince Ragoczy of Transylvania were all real and actual historical figures if you do our research and may have all been the same person just like I presently believe that Merlin the Magician and Padmasambhava (a Mahasidda of India and Tibet) might also both have been the same person in King Arthur's time and all incarnations of Saint Germain.

For all people's beliefs:

Practically speaking, you have to go with what works for you in the end. All Beliefs religious and scientific if they don't keep you and your family alive and doing well, what good are they?

So, for me, spirituality is about helping myself and all beings to enlightenment on all levels: spiritual, scientific, medical, you name it. There is no limit to what a human soul can do by God's Grace.

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