Sunday, May 18, 2014

What is the practical Useful Alternative to Assad?

Everyone but Russia, Iran and Iraq pretty much thinks that Assad has to go by whatever means necessary.

However, What is the Useful Practical Alternative to Assad?

We all know Assad is a Cruel Bastard capable of torturing children to death, raping women to death and torturing, gassing and barrel bombing innocent civilians to death by the thousands and likely one day to the millions. But, that is not the question I'm asking.

The question I'm asking is who do we have to replace him with?

The present way things are going likely he would be replaced with someone or many someones much much worse in cruelty than he and his father have been. So, in the middle east often one has to work with relative good and evil even today.

If one is realistic if Assad ever was overthrown the way things presently stand it would be ISIS or Al Qaeda or Hezbollah who would take his place or a puppet government of Iran and Russia.

However, if you take time to think about it likely this would be 20 to 100 times worse than what people have been experiencing the last 40 or more years of their lives in Syria already. Just study what Al Qaeda and ISIS are doing to each other right now. Just study all the beheading and rapes of children and women and likely of men taking place and what do you think would happen in Syria?

Assad is already worse than Saddam Hussein ever was now. But, things could be a lot worse with thousands of really crazy Al Qaeda and crazier still ISIS followers and what if someone as loonie as Boko Haram  took over Syria once Assad was gone? AS cruel and as crazy as Assad is likely who took over would be much  worse and then we would have to send in U.S. troops or Russia would have to send in troops or NATO would have to send in troops to overthrow that (beheading everyone) type of government.

So, even though Assad has now created hundreds of years of vendettas by Sunni Muslims against all Shia Muslims which is bad enough, at least people in Europe and the U.S. must be pragmatic enough to see now that Al Qaeda and ISIS would be worse to deal with than Assad.

And I think to some degree more and more people are thinking this way in the western world.

However, that doesn't mean that all Sunni nations aren't going to put more and more money into men with hand held missiles, rocket launchers and grenade launchers and tank killers for years and years to come. And it doesn't mean that Hezbollah won't keep sending fighters from Lebanon into Syria to fight for Assad. And it doesn't mean that Iran won't keep paying Afghanis $500 a month to fight for Assad in Syria either. And likely this will escalate and escalate in to bigger and bigger and more expensive and effective weapons on both sides as this continues for years to come.

In the end no one will win there. It will just be sort of like a Viet Nam War Bankrupting all middle eastern nations instead of bankrupting the United States like the Viet Nam war did. And realistically it will be paid for by every person on earth who buys gasoline or any oil products. So, the havoc both now and into the future is being paid for by everyone now who buys gas or oil or any oil based product including all plastics. This is what is financing this war.

But, I think it is why Assad is gaining ground because the U.S. and Russia, and Iran and Europe don't want to see what would come if Assad is gone at present because it is sure to be much worse than Assad is now the way things are presently going. All large nations have an interest in a stabilized middle East. The only real exception to this is Russia who partly destabilizes Syria so it can raise Gasoline prices which runs the Behemoth of the Russian state.

However, it is important to note all this could spin on a dime if Turkey re-stabilizes and might run Syria for Europe and the U.S. and the Syrian people themselves. So, we will all have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.

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