Saturday, May 17, 2014

What is really going on here on Planet Earth?

First of all, as most of you already know, governments and medias don't tell people what is actually going on because that would really upset people. and governments don't want to do that unless there is an invading army about to come to your city and make missiles rain down or shell the city with mortar shells or something like that. And even then, likely you would hear the shelling or missiles raining down before you read about it in the news or internet or heard about it on TV.

So,  what is a person to do?

First of all people who actually survive whatever comes in their lives keep their eyes and ears open, they don't believe most of what people tell them unless they observe it for themselves. But, this isn't the way most people tend to be. People who tend to be survivors sort of move to the beat of their own drum because they have learned through past experience not to completely believe anything anyone tells them.  It's not that most people are liars. It is just that most people aren't very observant of what is happening around them. And often this becomes fatal sooner or later in their lives when they are distracted a moment and get hit by a car or have an accident on the freeway or something because they just aren't paying enough attention to what is actually physically going on in their lives to stay alive through some of the moments of their lives.

So, the people paying attention often survive when other people don't.

So, after this, and you already really knew this anyhow, truth doesn't come from any media necessarily. For Example, the STerling situation and the Los Angeles Clippers, is this really important to all our survival on earth to actually know about? Sure. It might be fun to watch people make fun of an 80 year old man who is declining mentally who is a billionaire but isn't this really a complete waste of your time when you could be doing something more useful?

Note: What does this say about our culture that we are abusing an 80 year old man in this way? Even if he is a billionaire? The precedent for this where does it lead? Beating up 80 year old men in the streets until they are dead if they are drunk and saying racist things? And remember there are African American Racists, white racists as well as racists from every race on earth living in the U.S. and around the whole world.

What about China putting up oil wells just off of Viet Nam or Russia invading Ukraine and Crimea in a new way (both reminiscent of how Japan and Germany acted just before World War II began)?

The important things happening on earth resemble more a science fiction plot or something out of the 1950s and 1960s or after. So, paying attention now might keep you and I alive later down the road.

However, if people don't pay attention now maybe they won't be around later. That's a possibility too for all of us, regarding global climate Change, people starving or being washed or blown away by it, or countries not able to take care of their citizens starting wars like Russia and China  are now with the rest of the world.

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