Sunday, April 5, 2015

Burst Appendix!

As the bits and pieces of information flowed back to me slowly after the operation (mostly through my wife who did not have to be operated on) I learned in pieces that this was not a simple but complicated operation because at some point (unknown) my appendix had exploded. So, when the laproscope was inserted through a very small incision on the bottom of the inside of my belly button when the scope was inserted for exploration they found evidence of a Burst appendix and a huge pus pocket the body had created to isolate this area from the rest of the body.

Also, there was no evidence of Appendix at all there. It was simply gone! So, where it went only my body knows at this point. So, the doctor spent most of her time scooping out this pocket and setting up two drains (one of which likely will continue to drain until Tuesday or Wednesday from that area.

When I had woke up in ICU recovery there I had thought "Well. I didn't die so this is over!" No. That isn't exactly it. The truth is "Now I have to be in the hospital (maybe until Tuesday or Wednesday with the full care of nurses and doctors there 24 hours a day.

So, did I survive this? Yes. But, there's a lot more to it than that.

They couldn't believe anyone could survive what I had gone through with this thing because it would have killed most people. I guess my family (because they were pioneers here in the U.S. since 1725 likely have some really intense genetic traits and this appears to be one of them.

However, I appear to be recovering nicely.

Best part! I didn't die yesterday!

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