Sunday, April 5, 2015

My Easter Weekend Miracle:I'm still alive!

Yesterday I woke up stronger after the hell of last week from the night in the emergency room on. However, I had realized the pain in my right lower intestines had not gone away like most of the rest of the pains had. So, I realized I might need to get get a 1hour Sonogram to see if I actually had a problematic appendix.

So, I went to the hospital after eating some gluten free pasta, with olive oil and lemon juice (so I could keep it down and because I had been desiring some like I would die to eat it the previous night. So, we went to my friends house to cook it.

Then I ate it one strand in my fingers at a time to more greatly encourage my body to accept it as it did.

20 or more long strands later I realized since my stomach had completely shrunk to nothing during that 7 or 8 days from basically no real meals, I said to my wife and friends,"I have just enough energy left to go get that sonogram. I'm really too tired to do this but it needs to be done before I lay down again."

Well. It didn't turn out the way I expected. Instead I can only call this "MY Easter Weekend Miracle!"

The first thing that happened is this time going into the emergency room (I just thought this was the follow up that they talked about. I didn't understand that I was checking in for the 2nd time fully as an emergency patient there.

So, in this sense I was really clueless as to a whole lot of things. The Emergency room doctor I told, "I'm concerned I might have something wrong with my appendix so I want to have a sonogram."

He looked at me seriously and said, "That isn't the best way to check that." So, after doing a blood panel he scheduled me for a CT Scan (computer evolution of CAT Scan) where they could take 360 picture in 3d of all my intestines.

So, then we were given an Emergency Room (room) (it's only a room because they put sliding curtains in place to separate you from the next patients so you can't see each other) (the curtains are set in trains in the ceilings and hang almost to the floor).

So, there we waited for about 2 or 3 hours for this CT Scan. We went in at 2pm just after my lovely gluten free pasta with olive oil and lemon juice that really satisfied many deep primal feelings in me: The need to eat good food to stay alive!

So. The put me on the gurney and stuff spun around me 360 and when the computerized machine automatically wheeled me into the center sort of what looks like a computerized donut where your body is inserted on the guerney through the whole like into a Donut hole horizontally. Then mechanisms spin around you. About 10 minutes later he said he had about 250 digital picture he would show the doctors for them to analyze.

When the results came back the emergency room doctors simply said, "We have scheduled you for an operation to remove your appendix with 2 hours."

I sort of lost it for a moment that my worst fear had come true. (But, also a potential solution might come where I wouldn't die from what is happening to me.

So, I told the doctor my concern about only being about 50% at most of my normal energy going into an appendix removal and that concerned my about surviving such a procedure right then.

She said it was an emergency and had to be done so I said ok thinking to myself I had about a 50 50 chance of surviving the night

I woke up at 11 pm in the ICU recovery room starting to be aware that I did die. My exact words to myself, "Amazing! I didn't die!"

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