Thursday, April 9, 2015

I turn 67 this April

This last few weeks has changed my views of everything. It's kind of like all the old cobwebs of thinking I'm an "empty nester" have just been sort of blown right out the window.

For example, I'm toying with the idea now of getting a motorized para glider and putting some of the videos of my flying this thing here at this site.

I guess I want to help move the world forward to a better place too, much like Elon Musk and the Chinese Elon Musk.

To me in the past, riding my dualsport motorcycle was the riskiest thing I did.

However, now, we are sort of moving into a world of individual "Iron men" traveling the world through the air, I guess I want to be a part of this and help by buying a motorized Paraglider and posting videos of me flying this here at this site to help people be inspired and to move forward in their lives.

Whether this is something I can pull off or whether my wife faints and out of deference to her well being I have to pull back is another story.

However, maybe she doesn't need to know everything I do?

And even if she did maybe she would be proud of me that she is married to such a man?

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