Monday, April 6, 2015

Talking to the Hospital Pastor

When my pain level went up to about 4 (10 being where you pass out from the pain) I was not a happy camper. So, I started to get scared because all this is sort of Never ending now 24 hours a day like a marathon you cannot stop running no matter what is happening to you that lasts days and days.

It is a pretty scary feeling sort of like being in a war with people shooting at you.

So, people knew I had come to the hoary edge of what I could deal with and I was really fighting to stay nice to people and told them I'm struggling with coping with all this.

Talking to the hospital Pastor I found very helpful with all of this.

So, if you are in the hospital (or a relative or friend is) you might want to talk the pastor there to process talk your experiences and feelings.

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