Monday, April 6, 2015

Another difficult day

Today was basically sensory overload from too many days of just trying to stay alive. So, it's sort of like you want to run a marathon but secretly someone makes you run another 25 marathons concurrently holding a gun to your head.

You can't get out of this or you will die.

However, the nicest thing a nurse said to me today was: 'To the best of my knowledge we have never lost someone at this hospital with a burst appendix."

So, this is good news as the days mount up under very specific types of care where you don't get almost any water and not food at all (unless you are lucky) you get some vegetable broth to sustain you a little.

Bowels broke loose today and I heard my doctor whooped a cheer out when the nurses told her this.

One of the biggest problems with intestinal surgery is that peristaltic action in the intestines always stops at least for a few days. So, getting a burst appendix person past this is quite a skill.

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