Tuesday, April 7, 2015

What lay people think: What Doctor's and nurses think

I had to face many realities during this time connected with a hospital. First, I didn't exhibit the normal symptoms for a burst appendix nor did I know where an appendix was located on my body (at least when I first entered the emergency room for the first time).

2nd: I had to face that I had no idea what a physical body can survive or what a physical body can come back from using special techniques.

3rd. I needed to realize I had no useful idea what might kill me and what might not.
4th: I didn't understand the intentions of the first emergency room visit and later found out they only released me after stabilizing me to save me money because it had already cost over 1000 dollars to have me there.

4th: I did not understand that because I am over 65 on Medicare that all this care is 100% free to me as a retired American.

So, basically, everything I have been through so far is free (as far as I know to me) because I am a retired American on Medicare.

Recently, a neighbor of mine said, "Medicare is amazing isn't it?"

He's a retired Eye Doctor. My answer to this can only be: "Yes!"

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