Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The 'Elon Musk of China' wants people to fly all over the world without getting on a plane

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The 'Elon Musk of China' wants people to fly all over the world without getting on a plane

Dr Liu Ruopeng is an ambitious man. One of his dreams is to produce the long-awaited flying jackets that can allow people to travel in the air without getting on a plane. This goal has earned him the nickname “the Elon Musk of China” in the local media, after the Canadian-American billionaire…
Business Insider
This to me is sort of like making everyone an "Ironman", because if you were enclosed inside your protective suit with oxygen, this likely would be feasible. However, if you were flying out in the open through a rain or snow storm without a protective suit you would either die of hypothermia or freeze solid.

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