Thursday, April 9, 2015

In Getting released from the Hospital

The long ordeal of no food from March 27th to just a couple of days now is over. I can now eat bland foods like mashed potatoes and gluten free oatmeal with milk to sustain me in the 7 to 8 hour drive home to the Northern California coast from Mt. Shasta.

The heating system in our hotel room isn't working properly. Outside it is 30 degrees Fahrenheit, and even in the interior carpeted walkways of my favorite hotel to stay in it is cold as in not over 60 degrees Fahrenheit this late tonight. I called the front desk and asked for a floor heater and she said maintenance had locked them all up for the night. So, she gave me hers at the front desk. I told her I needed to stay warm enough to be able to travel tomorrow morning and that the temperature in the room had dropped slowly from 75 degrees down to 70 degrees which is not enough for someone just getting out of the hospital after an operation.

So, she handed me her space age (dyson heater) I've never seen anything like this before nor do I know how it works as it is like and open loop a couple of feet tall that moves warmed air by some method i don't fully understand.

However, it is now warming up our room so it is livable for someone just released from the hospital. I walked over the carpeted halls to obtain it in my robe since it is around 2:30 and now 2:50 AM PDT as I write this.

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