Wednesday, April 8, 2015

To the People who worked tirelessly 24 hours a day to save my life

Unless you have experienced this yourself it might be hard to understand. But, imagine yourself traveling away from your home somewhere and you are in your hotel room and you start throwing up, you finally realize you likely are going to die alone there from at the very least dehydration unless you get yourself to the hospirtal. So, you call a friend (or friends) there that live in that town and ask them to drive you to the emergency room.

You are totally in pain and very confused by all this. You don't know enough about medical procedures to know if you might even be able to survive what you are experiencing. But, you don't present the right symptoms for what is wrong to be properly addressed right then. But, one week later you think about what one doctor said about the location of where an appendix is and you realize you have to go back to the hospital to get a sonogram to see if this is the real cause of the hell you are going through 24 hours a day.

Luckily, the give you a CT Scan, schedule a Burst Appendectomy surgery immediately and the rest now is history.

However, how to you feel about all the people who worked tirelessly to save your life 24 hours a day and were actually cheerful and helpful about it at the same time.

So, in some ways, you don't want to leave all the wonderful quality people in Mt. Shasta that you have met. Because you are really amazed at the kindness and quality of all the people working there at Mercy Hospital in Mt. Shasta.

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