Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Internationally, what do you need to know about what happened in last night's primaries?

The first thing you need to know (if you don't already) is that Hillary Clinton now has so many delegates that it is likely impossible for Bernie Sanders to get enough Delegates to be the Democratic Nominee.

The second thing you need to know is that Rubio has dropped out and that Kasich is staying in after his Ohio win with all the delegates there. He is  now the darling of the Romney Group of old Guard Republicans who are the Anti-Trump Faction. In fact, the old guard hates Cruz sometimes more than Trump.

So, expect Rubio voters to go to Kasich in the next primaries instead of Ted Cruz. So Cruz is pretty mad about this.

Though Trump is ahead in the Delegate Count he still might be stopped by complicated Republican National Convention rules if he can't win the delegate count on the first ballot. IF this happens you likely should expect a riot of Trump voters and people might get injured in this or even die.

If this happens expect the Republican party to never be the same ever again.

So, this is what I think you should know about last night's primaries.

Though the likelihood is that Hillary will be sworn in as the first Female President of the U.S. next January, there is a Clear and present Danger to the well being of our Democracy between now and then both from within the U.S. as well as from without.

I would say this is the most difficult and stressful election cycle for President since the last social revolution with Police Beating up protesters with billy clubs and sending many to the hospital then in 1968 at the Chicago Democratic Convention then.

I was 20 years old then and so I was pretty horrified at what was happening to demonstrators then when I watched it happen live on TV then. There was a lot of blood running down people's faces and heads then.

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