Wednesday, March 16, 2016

You cannot have economic progress for the middle and lower classes while trillions of dollars are wasted in wars overseas

This is the problem we are dealing with. We dealt with this in the Viet Nam war to the point where in around 1980 I bought land because the unemployment was 10% nationwide or worse then and built a house myself on the land I paid for with cash to not have to pay rent during this time. At that time I thought the nation would go bankrupt so I became more of a survivalist. However, other countries loaned the U.S. money and things got better instead which was a surprise to me. So, after home schooling my children with my wife on remote and beautiful land with a spring and snow in winter on a mountain we returned to the SF Bay area and bought another business after 5 years of living remotely.

Then during the 2001 beginning of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars (Afghanistan is still going on for American troops now 16 years later by the way).

So, some people are saying we wasted 11 trillion dollars in all these wars. Was it worth it?

That's a matter of opinion because now the middle Class and lower class are really really really suffering on all levels from this loss which also resulted directly in the Great Recession which sucked out about 75% of the value of most Americans real wealth which was in their homes in the value of their homes. And many went bankrupt and lost their homes too.

So now, people are angry because many have lost everything, their children can't get good jobs even with a good college education, kids are paying off student loans into their 40s or longer and people cannot afford to buy homes anymore because of these student loans. And some cannot find jobs at all even with a college education so then they default on their student loans or live like slaves the rest of their lives trying to pay off huge student loans.

So, not matter how people play by the rules or not their lives are now screwed.

So, they are really really angry and aren't going to take it anymore.

So, violence might be right around the corner for some people in all this.

This isn't true for me but likely true for many people under the age of 40 here in the U.S.

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