Wednesday, February 20, 2019

If you are an intuitive you are always dealing with complete paradoxes

What do I mean by this?

I mean the future is never what most people think it is going to be. Like when people predict the future and say that everyone (from 1950s) is going to be flying everywhere. The reason everyone doesn't have a flying car is very simple: Crime would be so out of control from flying cars that police couldn't do anything about it at all.

This is why we don' have flying cars unless we are very very rich.

Then there are paradoxes like Trump (who is the worst president of all time already).

But, then there's the paradox that he causes so many people to die (or not have children at all) that he prevents human extinction (by accident) between 2080 and 2090.

You wouldn't expect someone who is the opposite of a Democracy advocate to do something like this like prevent human extinction while also being a KKK advocate like his father was too, would you?

So, a fascist like Trump helps prevent human exinction by being directly and indirectly responsible for 1 to 2 billion deaths as well as many more people not being born that would have been born to the people dying now because of him?

This would be crazy to most people. and yet, if you are an intuitive you have to deal with things like this. Even I don't deal with this well at all and wish Trump just would go away and not be such an Al Capone Mafiya figure here on earth.

But, also his deaths worldwide also prevent human extinction in 2080 an 2090 and give the human race another 50 years to sort things out because of his KKK cruelty worldwide.

So, if you want to be an intuitive you have to learn somehow to deal with really really crazy stuff like this.

It would be like saying: "Hitler prevented human extinction in the 1970s and 1980s from the 100 million people he killed that couldn't have babies etc. etc. etc."

Strangely enough, this is also true but weird as hell to deal with too.

So, if you develop as an intuitive this might be the kind of thing you will have to find a way to live with too.

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