Sunday, February 24, 2019

My wife said that any 80s list without "Love Shack" would miss the mark

So, I added "Love Shack" by the B-52s to the mix of music so you could hear love shack. The B-52s in some ways for me were a throwback to the 1960s in the way they sang "Love Shack" but their dress reminded me a lot of people in the 1950s too. So, they were their own thing too and individualistic in this too. I think people who are individualistic are always going to dress in ways and act in ways that suits their soul if they are allowed to by life.

I find myself in some ways still stuck in the 1970s, for example. Though I wouldn't say I was happy in the 1970s, still it set the tone of my life in a way. The 60s were such a time of turmoil and upheaval around the world I find it hard to identify with the 1960s because of all of the insanity. Likewise, the 1940s and 1930s were just so insane I wonder how ANYONE at all survived those years. The 1960s were also insane like the 1930s and 1940s. Also, the early 2000s from 2000 to 2010 or more were insane like this too. Now, with Trump we seem to be embarking on another time of World Chaos not seen since the 1930s where you can feel millions and millions of people are going to die too. I don't feel them dying from wars as much as back then but more from starvation like how people are starving now in Venezuela and other places where governments are completely dysfunctional for one reason or another.

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