Monday, February 18, 2019

What do I mean we are all 100s of different people?

Do you remember who you were when you were born? Do you remember who you were and what you believed at age 2. Do you remember who you were at age 5, 10, 15?

This is what I mean.

When you were 18 years old did you think the same way as you did at 25, at 30?

No. You thought all sorts of different ways given what your thoughts were at the time, given your diet, where you were, what you were doing, who your friends were, who your significant others were etc.

On top of all this "role playing" was always important in my family. But, to us it was never phoney like it is with some people. Instead it was a way to express who you were at the time. It was how you talked, what you wore, who you hung out with etc.

So, each girlfriend I had changed me a lot, in other words I was majorly influenced by every girlfriend just like they were majorly influenced by me too. It influenced what car I bought and drove and where I went to school or college and where I traveled to around the world.

And then at age 37 I took my wife and 3 children then who were 10, 12 and 14 to Japan, Thailand, India and Nepal for 4 months time and we all became "Citizens of the World" in addition to being Citizens of the U.S. We all have been world travelers ever since. All my children are now "Citizens of the world in addition to being "Citizens of the U.S." too.

So, we all change with what we do in college, with what we do in school at all stages, with businesses we own or jobs that we have along the way, with relationships we have wherever we are everywhere on earth.

So, I can say to you I can look back now at 70 and can define at least 100 different people I have been since being born. Are they all related? Yes!

But, are they all somewhat different? Yes.

This is life, folks!

This is all our lives.

By God's Grace

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