Saturday, May 17, 2014

Being in the right place at the right time

This is very important in life to actually get to where you need to be. However, often if you work for other people you cannot get here. And sometimes this is fatal.

So, being in the right place at the right time. What is that like?

Imagine yourself as a cave man or cave woman. Whenever you weren't being chased by a Saber toothed tiger and had had enough to eat it would be then. If you have to go to the bathroom, you go to the bathroom, if you want to look at the sunset, you look at the sunset, if you want to go jump in the river, you go jump in the river, if you want to be with your girlfriend (or boyfriend) you do that.

There is incredible power on all levels in being wherever you need to be when you need to be there.

Beings like Jesus, Buddha and other amazing people down through history were really good at "Being in the right place at the right time". Because amazingly powerful magical things can happen when you do this.

Have you ever been free for a weekend and had a sense to go somewhere and your best friend was there amazingly, or the sunset was out of this world, or you had an oceanic experience that changed your life forever, or you met the person (and they did too) that you both want to spend the rest of your lives with?

Being in the right place at the right time makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise. And people often will do literally anything to get to this way of living their lives.

However, in order to get to be like this most people have to be independently wealthy or a business owner, or an entrepreneur or just a bum who doesn't work and doesn't care.

But, however people get here often their lives change and so does the whole world as a direct result.

"Be in the right place at the right time because then literally anything good can happen in your life without any limitations whatsoever." By God's Grace.

For people who are spiritually based and care for others and themselves with ongoing compassion this also could be called, "The Leisure to Practice" which means the spiritually motivated can spend their time finding ways to efficiently help themselves and others to Enlightenment and Spiritual Grace in all ways.

I started praying for "The Leisure to Practice" around 1980 when I realized it was an option in life. God granted me "The Leisure to Practice" in reality in 1999 in May when I realized I wasn't going to die of the Heart virus I had been forced to retire from for the previous 7 months. So, ever since May 1999 God has given me the "Leisure to Practice" but it might be important to note I prayed for this for 19 years before he gave me this in reality. So, I was forced to retire at age 50 because of my health but it took me some time to realize God had answered my prayers. One of the results of this is this blog you are reading right now.

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