Saturday, May 17, 2014

Sanctions are war whether they are against Iran or Russia

I think it is important to make the distinction that sanctions are a part of Warfare. When the U.S. and Europe joined together to sanction Iran it was and is a form of warfare. Iran knows this too. Now the U.S. and Europe through the EU are sanctioning Russia instead of going in with tanks and planes to stop Russia taking over countries like Ukraine.

But, just because we aren't sending in our troops to be killed and just because NATO isn't sending in troops to be killed don't think this isn't warfare because it is. And soon, probably already, many many people in Russia and outside of Russia are going to go bankrupt or be severely hurt financially because of these sanctions because this is economic warfare and economic warfare will affect both sides in the case of Russia. In the case of Iran it didn't affect much except it raised the price of gas throughout the world. So, in the case of Iran everyone on earth paid more for gas because of the sanctions the U.S. and Europe put on Iran.

The rise in gasoline and oil products prices likely will happen in regard to Russia too, especially in Europe with these sanctions starting to bite now.

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