Friday, May 16, 2014

Cleansing the Mind of Useless Debris

Throughout our lives garbage experiences fill our minds to overflowing and often we become overwhelmed. It is sort of like being constipated. And remember an extreme form of constipation whether it is your bowels or your mind can be fatal.

However, the way people tend to be in the western world we often hold onto everything we experience in our minds even when that information might be fatal to us or drive us insane.

However, there is a technique if you are brave enough to do this where you simply "Let Go" of useless detritus in your mind.

There are all sorts of ways Tibetan Buddhists view all this but here is one technique to "Throw up" everything out of your subconscious to clean your mind of useless detritus. However, if you are a praying person you might pray for the lessons you need to learn from your bad experiences so you don't repeat bad actions, bad thoughts or bad experiences again.

Here is the technique: IN this exercise you do not value any thought that goes by, you simply let it go by whether it is good or bad or whatever. So, you don't try to stop or constipate your thoughts.

Next, you are searching for the source of your thoughts. By being focused ONLY on searching for the source of your thoughts you let ANY thought (no matter what it is) escape your mind without empowering it or reacting to it in any way. (Because your ONLY focus is searching for the source of your thoughts. You can do this for a moment or an hour or all day if you wish. Whatever is helpful to you. In this way you "Throw up" all thoughts out of your subconscious and release them. Whatever remains you can reorganize naturally through sleep. So, from a Buddhist way of looking at this: "You have emptied your cup" so you can be filled with new experiences and information like a new born child. This is also a way to live a really long time because: "You can survive to 105 if you are young at heart".

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