Friday, May 16, 2014

Science Fiction as a Way to Remember Past Lives

For me, reading Science Fiction I realize now just helped me remember my own past lives in the past, present and future of the universe. At the time I couldn't have told you that I just moved where I was drawn by my interests as a young man 9 to 10 years of age and older. I also read Popular Mechanics and Popular Science Magazines in the 1950s because my father was an Electrician and built houses and because he revered Nicola Tesla who invented Alternating Current and even knew how to electrify the ground so Electricity would be free. However, likely he was killed when he tried to give it to everyone in the U.S. during World War II.

So, for me, Star Wars and Star Trek are not fictional creations of the authors but recounting of past lives as humanoid or other types of beings or even the future of the human race here on earth. So, whether the events took place in the past, present or future somewhere in the universe it is logical that events like this would take place somewhere some when.

Though enlightenment is the way for some of mankind, scientific achievements can do for masses of people what enlightenment might do for people (all people) at some point in the future while still wearing human bodies as souls.

So, for me, enlightenment of the masses combined with the positive uses of technology seems like the best overall outcome for human souls both here on earth and beyond earth. Trying to make sure that the best of humanity overcomes the bestiality of humanity while enlightenment and technology flourish seems to be the goal of the human race at present.

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