Saturday, May 24, 2014

Everyone has some form of PTSD whether it is very mild or major

PTSD often comes from a single event like being shot, or shot at or a car accident or someone dying that you love and care about or divorce or a breakup or events like this. So, to some degree everyone has a form of PTSD because we all have lost or are about to lose someone eventually. In my own life I have lost 30 to 50 people just since the 1980s that I deeply loved and cared about as friends and relatives. And hopefully, if and when this happens to you if you live long enough you will have enough stability in your lives to withstand these events over time.

So, in the end we all are going to have various kinds of minor PTSD just in the living of our lives. There is a saying, "NO one makes it out of here alive." And in regard to your body this is true. However, if you believe in an immortal soul dying isn't going to bother you that much in the end. So, If you believe everyone has an immortal soul you will believe you will see all the people you love eventually to, in addition to visiting with them in dreams and visions during your lifetime as a human.

For example, I think the whole world was given a dose of PTSD when we all watched the Collapse of 2 World TRade Center Buildings in 2001 on 9-11. The jumping off the roof of at least 80 to 100 people rather than to be burned alive on the roof was pretty horrific to watch too. People watching those bodies hitting cars, awnings or the street itself must have all gotten PTSD if they also survived the collapse of the buildings too. People who lost relatives or friends on 9-11 often had to deal with or still are dealing with PTSD as well.

So, understanding that everyone has a small or large form of PTSD helps us all to be more compassionate of people with severe forms of PTSD which often prevent people from even holding a job, being married, being around children or family or other things like this.

Many of the people walking down the street talking to themselves started out in the Viet Nam War or the Iraq or Afghanistan war as dedicated soldiers. This is something to think about too.

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