Saturday, May 17, 2014

Jonathan Flow Recalls his childhood

Jonothan was thinking about his experiences as a child and wondered about how he was developed into the being he had become. Often he had wondered whether he had been manipulated in some ways to become as intuitively developed as he had become. There had been no one exactly like him in his abilities. Oh, he had met adults who were developed in similar directions but usually not children though he had met children who were developed but not organized the way his mind was.

It seemed like a person first of all had to have the right abilities, then those abilities had to be stimulated enough by real world needs and but not so much that the person became permanently traumatized by events just too difficult to survive. So, there had to be enough stress to cause someone to use their abilities but in the using of their abilities there had to be some logic and reason and compassion to the whole thing where someone could survive it all in the end.

So, there was this balance point that everyone would have to make it through to first have the abilities, then to have a reason to develop those abilities but not get so extremely traumatized through it all that they didn't mentally or physically survive it all.

It was sort of like what people call "The Razors Edge" which is a way of saying one has to walk on the edge of a razor to get anywhere in life at all because it is so easy to fall of the edge of the razor. Also, you better have some pretty good boots to walk that razor because bare feet are going to get pretty sliced up and you might fall off the edge of that razor without some really well made boots.

But, if you had boots and were coordinated enough you would walk that razor onwards to success even as you might have to watch everyone else being sliced, diced or falling off their razors as they tried and failed to survive or to succeed in life. So, keeping focused on one's own success somehow seemed to be how one survived all this in the end.

And anyone and everyone out the other end of all this always understands this metaphor.

Because not everyone survives in life either mentally or physically. And even those that do often look back at their lives in wonder.

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