Saturday, May 17, 2014

"Of course you're not. You're a weapon"

I was just watching the movie Trailer to "The Edge of Tomorrow" with Tom Cruise and the line goes

something like:

Tom Cruise: "I'm not exactly a Solder."
Lady:            "Of course you're not. You're a weapon."

Which of course (sort of like Groundhog Day) what if an event was cyclical in wartime and you lived it over and over with all the memories of each event so you could change the way you die each time you cycled through time?

So, here we have one of the reasons why Time travel ends all wars except Time Travel Wars between competing time travelers. So, when time travel is used as a weapon it can be only one person against a trillion or more and that one person with time travel technology could or would win.

This is why the governments of the world don't want you to know about time travel in reality not just in fiction.

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