Friday, May 16, 2014

More regarding Net Neutrality

My son is turning 40 this month but always has been sort of a computer genius with an IQ of 150 or more. So, I often learn things from him about the Internet, software and hardware that I might not have researched as well as he has.

He was telling me that what the future of the Internet looks like right now is that it is sort of like a Freeway but on the new freeways (Internet) there will be paid fast lanes to avoid Internet Traffic that will sort of be like Tollways or Diamond lanes where some people's Internet will go much faster than the common person's Internet. So, it will be sort of "You get what you pay for" in regard to the Internet more now and into the future.

So, even though I think it's sad that net neutrality is over, at least for now the Internet won't end for the common person worldwide.

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