Friday, May 16, 2014

Ringworld's Children

This is one of the sequels to "Ringworld" written in the 1970s I believe.

Ringworld's Children - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's_Children
Ringworld's Children is a 2004 science fiction novel by Larry Niven, the fourth in the Ringworld series set in the Known Space universe. It describes the ...

I downloaded it through Amazon and my wifi recently when I wasn't able to download a copy of "Ringworld" onto Kindle until July. I have owned a copy of Ringworld in Paperback for some time but I tend to get headaches now reading the small print since I was about 45 and started to have to wear glasses for reading like most people have to around then too. But, my brain didn't like the adjustment to reading books so this has been problematic for me until I discovered I could enlarge the print on Kindle. So ever since I slightly enlarged the print on my Kindle I have started to read books again which is really great. I was, however okay at reading and writing on computers and Ipads and such without getting a headache. But, I think this is partly because also on a computer you can slightly enlarge (or greatly enlarge also if you wish on a computer (or with an Ipad you simply spread your fingers while touching the screen if you are at a site which allows that.

Ringworld's children begins with Louis Wu coming out of a coma like state from injuries. He wakes to find the Hindmost also unconscious (Hindmost is a 3 legged creature with a horse head who sings to speak from another system of worlds). However, they are sort of being held captive by a being called Tunesmith who is a hominid protector on Ringworld. I'll leave it at that in case you want to read this one some time in the future. However, Ringworld was the 1971 Hugo Award Winner for best science fiction novel.

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